TLIF Recovery Time

Dr. Jonathan Hall

Dr. Jonathan Hall

Dr. Hall is a Board Certified Neurosurgeon that specializes in treating patients that suffer from neck pain or back pain. He is able to perform minimally invasive spine surgery and the most complex procedures.

What is a TLIF Surgery?

If you are thinking about this procedure, then you should have an understanding of what TLIF surgery recovery will be like.TLIF surgery is a spinal fusion in the lumbar region of the spine. This procedure helps stabilize the spine by fusing the vertebrae together. The surgeon makes a small incision in the back and partially removes the damaged disc.

An implant is then placed inside the disc to create space. After the implant is in place, the surgeon places screws and rods for additional support. Finally, a graft is applied to the bone bridge to stabilize the spine even more.

What Are The Benefits of TLIF Surgery?

Patients who are recommended a TLIF surgery suffers from lower back pain that usually starts from the lower back and radiates all the way down to their feet. Patients with disc herniations, degenerative disc disease, and spondyolisthesis are usually candidates for this procedure.Ā The success rates for a TLIF surgery is high, over 80% of patients who get a TLIF surgery are satisfied with the results. In fact, 70% of the pain is usually reduced according to several studies.

What to Expect Before TLIF Surgery?

If you choose to undergo TLIF surgery, there will be several steps needed in order to proceed with the procedure. Here’s what you should expect:

  1. A physical will be required, but this can be performed by one of our doctors.
  2. A member of our staff will find the best time to schedule you for the surgery at one of our surgery centers in Florida.
  3. Specific lab tests are required and you’ll need to have the paperwork ready a few days prior to your surgery.

Once these things have been completed, you’ll be ready to come in for your TLIF surgery. Don’t worry if this feels like a lot to remember, a member of our staff will be assigned to guide you through this entire process.

What’s Recovery Like After TLIF Surgery?

After TLIF surgery, you will be moved to our recovery center and placed under observation. We’ll be monitoring your heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration.

Next, your surgeon will conduct a post operative examination. This typically is scheduled 4-6 weeks after your surgery to check up on how you’re healing. Post-Operative medication may be prescribed if there is pain, but only for a short period (one week).

This surgery is done in our outpatient surgery center located in Tampa, Florida. Overnight stays are not required after TLIF surgery. There will be some discharge instructions and restrictions depending on your case.

Restrictions To Be Aware Of

  • Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Advil should be avoided during the recovery process due to the ability for it to cause bleeding
  • Avoid sitting for long periods of time
  • Do not lift heavy objects
  • Try not to twist and turn rapidly

Recovery Process

On average, patients take about 6 to 12 weeks to recover from their TLIF operation. Physical Therapy may be recommended by your surgeon in order to speed up the recovery process. Some patients feel even better after 4 weeks of recovery. Making sure you rest well, drink lots of fluids, and eat healthy.

During TLIF surgery recovery, you can always reach out to a member of our staff if you have any questions. We are experts when it comes to everything and anything one can expect while recovering after surgery.

TLIF Success Rates:

  1. Pain Relief:

    • The primary objective of the TLIF procedure is to alleviate pain. Multiple studies and clinical reviews have indicated a high success rate in terms of pain relief. On average, about 70-90% of patients report significant relief from pain after recovering from TLIF surgery.
  2. Return to Activities:

    • Post-operative results also indicate a substantial number of patients can return to their regular activities, including work, within a few months. The exact duration can vary based on individual factors such as the patient’s age, overall health, and the extent of the surgery.
  3. Fusion Rates:

    • Fusion success is crucial for the longevity of the surgical outcome. With the advancements in surgical techniques and the use of bone grafts and hardware (like screws and rods), fusion success rates for TLIF surgeries are typically high. Clinical data suggests an average fusion success rate of 90% or higher for TLIF surgeries.
  4. Complication Rates:

    • As with any surgery, there are potential complications associated with TLIF. These can include infection, nerve damage, blood clots, and issues related to the hardware or bone graft. However, advancements in surgical techniques and post-operative care have led to reduced complication rates. The overall complication rate for TLIF varies but is generally low, with most studies reporting a rate of less than 10%.

Factors Affecting Success Rates:

  • Patient Health: Overall health, age, and fitness level can influence recovery and success rates.
  • Severity of Spinal Issue: Patients with more severe or multiple spinal issues may experience different outcomes compared to those with a singular, less complex issue.
  • Surgical Technique: The surgeon’s experience and the specific techniques and materials used can influence outcomes.
  • Post-operative Care: Adherence to rehabilitation, physical therapy, and post-operative guidelines significantly impacts recovery and long-term success.


While TLIF has demonstrated high success rates in terms of pain relief, fusion success, and return to regular activities, it’s essential for patients to have realistic expectations. A comprehensive discussion with a spinal surgeon, understanding potential risks, and actively participating in post-operative care are pivotal to achieving the best outcomes.

As always, individual experiences can vary. Therefore, prospective patients should consult with a spine specialist to discuss their specific condition, potential outcomes, and any concerns they might have.

Our TLIF surgeries generally take an hour a half

After surgery, our nurses will schedule a post op appointment with our surgeon that performed the procedure. This is usually 4-6 weeks after your surgery.

Before surgery we ask you to stop taking anti-inflammatory medication at least 10 days before surgery. There are also some vitamins that you may want to avoid such as Vitamin K, fishoil, and CoQ10. Please give us a call to find out what other vitamins / medications you may want to avoid.Ā 

A one level fusion does not limit much mobility, it is estimated that 5-7% mobility is lost. If there is more than a one level fusion, more mobility will be lost.

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initial segment of a nerve leaving the central nervous system

Nerve Root
Spinal Nerve Roots

Artificial or bone substitute that is used to repair your bone.

A Disc in your spine that has lost fluid becoming degenerative (collapsed disc)

Collapsed Disc MRI