Can Carpal Tunnel Be Cured Without Surgery?

Can carpal tunnel be cured without surgery? At Florida Surgery Consultants in Tampa, this is a question that we get all the time. You should consider scheduling a consultation. It’s difficult to determine what would be needed for your condition without talking to an orthopedic specialist. 

Man in carpal tunnel surgery consultation in Florida

Coming in for an orthopedic consultation is the best way to find out what would be the best course of treatment for your carpal tunnel symptoms. You can use our contact form or call us directly at (888) 411-6824. 

Carpal Tunnel Solutions To Try Before Surgery

When carpal tunnel is diagnosed early, there are non-surgical methods that can be effective for managing your symptoms. Carpal tunnel can be very painful, but you should try these treatments before opting for something like carpal tunnel release.  

Wrist Sprints

This type of splint will hold your wrist in place while you sleep. This is helpful, because nighttime tingling or numbness can be disruptive to a quality night of sleep. 


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work to will provide short term pain relief from carpal tunnel and other related medical conditions. The name may seem unfamiliar, but you are probably very familiar with medications like aspirin and ibuprofen.

Corticosteroid Injections

You can also visit an orthopedic surgeon in Florida to get a corticosteroid injection. This would be applied directly into the affected area, with the cortisone working to provide pain relief for a period of time. Sometimes an ultrasound is used to guide these injections. Corticosteroid injections decrease inflammation and swelling, which relieves pressure from the median nerve.  


If your symptoms are bad enough that you’re considering surgery, then you’re already doing whatever you can to limit how often you use that impacted hand/wrist. This can be tough, but we do recommend making time to rest this hand and relax the muscles each day.

Talk to an Orthopedic Specialist in Florida

Following the recommendations of an orthopedic specialist, you should expect to see a significant benefit in your carpal tunnel symptoms. 

Remember to wear your wrist brace, rest your hand when you can and take the appropriate NSAIDs if needed. If you choose not to get surgery, then you may be looking at incorporating these into your normal routine for a long time. 

Visiting an Orthopedic Surgeon in Florida

Florida Surgery Consultants has an excellent orthopedic surgeon if you are interested in pursuing surgery for your carpal tunnel syndrome. Use our contact form, schedule a consultation and we can discuss your options.

Would you rather not have surgery? Remember, our orthopedic surgeon can recommend a non-invasive treatment plan. Our orthopedic surgical team tends to look at surgery as a last resort for patients here in Florida.

If you are in pain from carpal tunnel, reach out to Florida Surgery Consultants so we can set you up an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. They can help you figure out what comes next for treatment with your specific case.  We have seven locations throughout Florida for your convenience in Palm Harbor, Tampa, Ocala, Lady Lake, GainesvilleLakeland, and Palm Harbor.  

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