Woman doesn't realize eating healthy is a form of herniated disc prevention

How to prevent a Herniated Disc

A herniated disk is a result of the rupture of the outer lining (annulus fibrosus) of the disks that allow the inner substance (nucleus pulposus) to push through, not only irritating the outer wall but possibly also the surrounding spinal nerves. These discs serve as cushions for the spine as the spine is made of…

SI Joint Injections & Pain Relief

Florida Surgery Consultants located in Tampa, FL (Lakeland, Ocala, Lakewood Ranch, Gainesville, The Villages, and Palm Harbor) are here to help you administering SI joint injections & offering pain relief solutions. We have the right spine doctor for you who can perform an epidural steroid injection after finding out where the issue is and how…

The Benefits of a Facet Injection

Florida Surgery Consultants located in The Villages, FL (Tampa, Ocala, Lakewood Ranch, Palm Harbor, Gainesville and Lakeland) are here to help. We have been working with patients in comprehensive care for quite some time now. For patients suffering from back pain, we have the solution you need. Neck and back pain can be very painful…

Facet Injections For Spinal Arthritis

Florida Surgery Consultants in Palm Harbor, FL (Ocala, Tampa, Bradenton, Gainesville Lakeland, and The Villages) offer facet joint injections which can be injected with long-acting local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory steroids, which can relieve pain for a long period of time. Our doctors are well practiced and have experience with injections to help with pain of…


Micro-Discectomy for Herniated Discs

Florida Surgery Consultant’s neurosurgeons perform micro-discectomy to treat pinched nerves in the spinal column caused by herniated or ruptured discs. Without micro-discectomy, ruptured discs can cause pressure to nerves, which leads to pain in legs, numbness, impaired bowel or bladder functions. Herniated Disc Treatment When deciding how to properly treat a herniated disc, it is…